How can I remove the HDG/speedBar?

Hello pilots,
:? Okay I dont like those tags & speed/HDG bars in Il2, you already got a great cockpit/radio for your information, I have got only a small problem.....
Left under of your screen( see picture) are speed & heading shown......
I have removed them in il2 with "no speed bar"=on in config.ini I have put Nospeedbar=1
When I now start Il2 every time (restarting single mission or MP mission ) only the headings is shown, the speed bar is gone.

[Image: headingbar.jpg]

With the key "toggle speed bar" I can remove this heading bar, but what I realy want is, that it will never show the HDG bar when I start or restart a mission, is there a way to do that( for example in config.ini) or
is this the only way to do it( pushing key:toggle speedbar) ?

greetings fredgreen

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