BETA - Battle of France - Part 1 (4.09)

MR_G - Part 1 is roughly 25% of the map area but since there is no sea in that part its nearer 35% of the total objects. Part 3 is nearly 50% sea.

The "speed" on any PC is mainly related to the number of objects on screen at any time. Those that are off screen don't have much effect. So flying over a large city, if you look down and fill the screen with objects you get a slow down in performance. Look up at the sky and its speeds up again.

I spent a long time experimenting with object densities before completing Part 1 and made rough mock ups with the total map populated to prove that it would work. My budget is 1.2 to 1.5 million objects for the total map.

Just need more time to finish it -- but at the moment work is having to take priority.

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