Mat Manager v.2.36 Self-Installer... again.

My 2 cents worth:

MAT Manager is a separate program that should be installed in it's own directory, totally separate from your game root folder. On my PC, I have it installed on my windows default C/programs directory, while the game is installed on a different disk volume. Provided you have pointed MAT manager to your game root directory, during initial startup, it will always install the selected MAT markings folders to your game Paintschemes/Regiments folder. If, as you say, you are directing your markings to the MAT manager folder, instead of your game Paintschemes/Regiments folder, the markings will not show, because they are not in the game.

Because MAT is a separate program, you should not be running MAT and the game simultaneously - there's no need, as all MAT manager does is install the markings you have selected from the MAT interface, before you start the game. You have the option within MAT Manager to quit, or start the game from the MAT interface. When you hit either of these buttons, the MAT manager will automatically load any markings you have selected to your game Regiments folder, and then close down - if you've selected the start game button in the MAT interface, your game should then boot up, as normal. I prefer to make my selections in MAT and then hit the quit button. Once, I've quit MAT, I run the game from it's own shortcut, and my selected MAT markings are in the game.

Hope this helps.

Hawkers Big Grin

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