Some of my tools for managing extracted actors.static data

Hi all, maybe useful, maybe not, but I'm posting anyways.

First one, a tool for filtering data extracted from actors.static.
[Image: actorsfilter.jpg]
I wrote this little tool because AutoPop put buildings on top of other buildings or too close to each other. Then i added the functionality that you can copy only specific objects or ignore specific objects from original data. For instance, you decide that you don't want some buildings that you placed on the map. Just write it's name (or part of it) in the "Ignore" list and press "Process" button. That's it, out file will be without that file.

Next thing to mention is filtering itself. You have two buttons, "Filter(H)" and "Filter(S)". First one compares objects to all already rad objects. If you have big file this method is SLOW but it will remove all covering objects within specified X and Y separation distances. "Filter(S)" is fast but it only compares one object to next one in the *.txt file. I always use the slow method myself Wink

Last note: Copy and Ignore window load data from Z_Copy.txt (for Copy window) and Z_Ignore.txt (for Ignore windows) if they are in the same dir as the application. So, create your own files and they will be loaded at application startup.

Second application is for splitting those big inBuildings.txt files to smaller ones and putting them back together:
[Image: actorssplitter.jpg]

The logic behind this one is really simple - IL2 can manage only actors.files up to some size (600KB in my case) so it is impossible to load big files in unlocked fmb. So, i split that bit txt file with this tool, do with that part what needs to be done and then re-assemble them back into one big file. That's it. "Merge" window has "drop" property, so just select files to merge and drag/drop them to that window. Should work.

The last application was written with easier template creation in mind. I populated the template for AutoPop with only one building then i used this little application and changed that object with whatever i wanted. The only problem here was that some buildings change orientation (say, slovakia city house has different orientation that slovakia rural and urban. Last two are fine to switch). But that's not that bad, imho. "Replacement strings" window ready object names from "Z_ReplaceWithStrings.txt" file, that is already included with application Wink
[Image: actorssplitter.jpg]

For all applications there is one common thing: if you are using Copy/Ignore/Replace/Merge windows, seperate strings with ";". It is inserted automatically if/when you press enter but just to be on the safe side, check if they are separated by that char Wink And you need latest java JRE installed Wink

Download (all in one package):

Hope some of these will come handy for you.

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