25.10.2008, 10:33
To all those having problems with this mod:
- check that you have the FW190A-5/U-14 mod that is contained in the AAA Unified Installer (as written in prerequisites)
- delete the previous version 1.00
- follow strictly the instructions for installation written in the first post and rewritten here:
- check you don't have any other instance of files air.ini, weapons_ru.properties, plane_ru.properties than those under the STD folders. So, make a search (with Windows Search - all File and Folders), under the IL-2 root directory for each of those files. You must find only one of each under the MODS/STD/... folder. If you have more, this means you have installed some mod not compatible with AAA mods structure, so you either delete this mod or merge the .ini and .properties files.
- check that you have the FW190A-5/U-14 mod that is contained in the AAA Unified Installer (as written in prerequisites)
- delete the previous version 1.00
- follow strictly the instructions for installation written in the first post and rewritten here:
1) Drop in your MODS folder
2) add the following line to air.ini (under MODS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects):
Ju-88A-4/Torp air.JU_88A4torp 2 g01 SUMMER
3) add the following lines to weapons_ru.properties (under MODS\STD\i18n):
# Ju-88A-4/Torp
Ju-88A-4/Torp.default Default
Ju-88A-4/Torp.1xLTF5_Torp 1 x LTF5b Torpedo
Ju-88A-4/Torp.2xLTF5_Torp_salvo 2 x LTF5b Torpedo (salvo)
Ju-88A-4/Torp.2xLTF5_Torp_spread 2 x LTF5b Torpedo (spread)
Ju-88A-4/Torp.none Empty
4) add the following line to plane_ru.properties (under MODS\STD\i18n)
Ju-88A-4/Torp Ju-88A-4/Torp, 1942
5) create folder Ju-88A-4_Torp under Paintschemes\skins for new skins
- check you don't have any other instance of files air.ini, weapons_ru.properties, plane_ru.properties than those under the STD folders. So, make a search (with Windows Search - all File and Folders), under the IL-2 root directory for each of those files. You must find only one of each under the MODS/STD/... folder. If you have more, this means you have installed some mod not compatible with AAA mods structure, so you either delete this mod or merge the .ini and .properties files.