checkerboard patterns on map_T

what i've done on the tobruk map was something like that, but i had to do it for several different regions of the map.

i made a big square (retangle actually) on the sea near the coast to use it as a test zone.
Manually, i made a mix of several textures, keeping in mind the kind of "decoration" i wanted to have for a certain area of the map, when i was happy with the patchwork, i save the map, get out of IL2, open the map_t with PS, save the zone i've build as "pattern", mostly something like between 40 and 70 pixels wide, not necesserly as a square!(otherwise you will stil have ungly repetitions) then i applied the pattern on the selected zone, save the map_t back to il2 and fly-test the area to check for textures repetition.

For tobruk i've used actually 19 different patterns , what means something like at least 40 tries in total.
Most of the applied patterns were also manually corrected afterwards :wink:

The patterns are a great help but first of all you have to know what kind of paysage you want to have and then make several tries before you get the wanted one.
A lot of work for several evenings, but after that, the map texturisation is faster than ever. :wink:

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