ShipPack2-Bug report and discussion


It seems you have found an answer to the ShipPack2 mystery. I tried your remedy and it did not work for me. So, maybe some additional details would help.

First, you added the lines from Stationary.ini.txt and Technics.ini.txt to the end of the existing Stationary.ini and Technics.ini files in the Static A/C folder. Then you deleted those files in the \MODS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects folder. Is that correct?

You left the Chief.ini and Ships.ini in the \MODS\STD ....\il2\objects folder. Is that correct?

Is it supposed to be Chief.ini or Chiefs.ini? I have seen it written both ways at this website.

Is ...\MODS\ships the correct location for the ships directory?

Best regards,


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