(BETA) Zimbotho 0.6

I received messages from people asking for updates, so I've put together this package.

Version 0.6
- Second public beta.
- Airfields almost complete. Layouts finalised, markers and signals squares added where appropriate.
- Approximately 95% of landscape texturing complete.
- Temporary map_F.tga file updated. Anything less than 'perfect' graphics mode might notice anomalies.
- Road and rail network extended and 50/60% complete.
- Limited scenic work.
- Rough ground errors at some airfields.
- Not completely compatible with DCG.

To Do
- Lots and lots of object placement.
- Formalise default or new towns/villages.

Required Downloads

Zimbotho Beta 0.6...

LAL_Rone's Hangar 2 Mod...
(The link is inoperative)

Caldrails Tarmac Plate Mod...


Please find the 'Install this mod.txt' file inside the beta download.

I hope you enjoy what I've done so far. Please feel free to provide any feedback, good or bad, and any suggestions will be considered.

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