04.11.2008, 10:22
Poltava Wrote:A question in the same vain to admin: how do I go about to post direct links to download campaigns? I have several in the works.
I used to give direct links to M4Today, but those were removed. Then I linked to M4Today in general, but not directly to the file, and that stayed. I tried to get filefront links approved by PM-ing but nothing happened, I'm afraid.
What is the policy on campaigns and missions? The same as other material I guess: but in this case the system isn't glitch-free.
Just want to do the right thing.
.... safest way is to post your WIP thread with external d/l links in missions discussion section and PM Creepy847 for submission . Once he test it and upload on AAA then it becomes finished mod and you can start thread in official download section .
i hope Creepy847 will come along and explain it little bit more .... being moderator there and all