Spain 1:1 WIP Need help


As you may know I'm spanish and I'm really interested in the SCW, so I decided to create a map of Spain at 1:1 of course with the help and support of Delvpier!! Thank's mate!!
The map is on the works, you can see the area supported and the height map.

[Image: ed_m02-1.jpg]

[Image: hEIGHT.jpg]

Being a map of this proportions I will need help mainly in two areas


-Populating ( autopop )

About texturing I will need the help of someone that have experience painting the tex directly over map_t Spain is a country of contrasts but we can simplify those contasts. For example msot of the interior area is relatively dry except around the rivers, so this should be easy to do. But I need someone to paint the hills and mountains, is easily understood If you look at this image.

[Image: SanCarlos.jpg]

This is the coast near the Ebro Delta, you can see the beaches and once in the interior different textures. Near the Mediterranean, we have a intensive agriculture mstoly based on Orange Trees, fruits and other crops that need water. Then you can see the mountains of the litoroal range with the typical layout of machia and small dry forests. After that the dry crops of olive trees, almonds...
Here's a pic of the Ebro Delta with the big river irrigating the rice crops.

[Image: Delta.jpg]

And last the Ebro coming from the interior

[Image: Ebro.jpg]

Being such a big map with all those cities to populate a autopop guru will be needed to help me. Hope someone is interested in the period and can help me.
I also tought in a "what if" Franco was tempted some times to enter WW2 with the Axis, what if they finally entered? After Torch landings, the Allies land on Spain in order to conquer Spain and threat the French soft belly, with a weak army after the SCW and with half of the pop ready to join the Allies we can have a Italy stule war running in spain with Germany and Italy giving Franco planes and troops...

Well please need some help to form a team and work on this. Feel free to comment and contact me here or by PM.

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