Sky too dark at high alt

stansdds Wrote:
khirareg Wrote:at high altitudes the sky is darker, and arround 30000 meters it's black

Let's not confuse meters with feet, we'll leave that error to NASA :roll:. 30,000 meters equals 98,425 feet, Il2 doesn't allow flights to that altitude. I'm sure the sky is dark at 30,000 meters, but we are talking about the sky at 9,000 to 10,000 meters (roughly 30,000 feet).

eemm..... i have gone to 50k meters with the me163 :roll:

im sure someone has a pic of himself at that altitute, i sadly didnt make a pic of that Sad

sure it was with unlimited fuel ,but with full throttle me163 went there nose almost vertical! :lol: :lol: :lol:

but yeah, at that altitute the earth looks "broken", but the sky is about as dark as at 10k meters. so it stops going darker at about that altitute

just my 2 cents..


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