[Video] B-17 FlyingFortress

Sorry...but to be honest and fair, yet with all due respect to the movie creator, this movie doesn't come even remotely close to being 'one of the best' of IL2 movies. In fact, it is a pretty poor example of what can be accomplished. Music, sound FX, sound mixing, cinematography, directional continuity, editing, scene transitions, and Story/Screenplay all required much, much more attention than is evident in the final product. Granted, it was made way back in 2006...maybe even in 2005...since which time IL2 movies have improved by leaps and bounds.....that is, excluding the proliferation on Youtube of endless Cr&p raw on-line-captured 'so-called' movie clips, complete with icons, fraps logos, ping indicators, HUD displays, etc. Those shouldn't even be called movies.

By comparison, watch "Inside the Whirlwind", which was mentioned above by THOR. Here's a link to that movie at the Flight Sim Movies website: Inside-the-Whirlwind , where you'll find a download link.

You can find many more such truly superb IL2 movies at the Flight Sim Movies website (see my SigBloc below).

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