11.11.2008, 07:07
I had the same problem with the repaint that I'm doing. The panel and floor would go stark white when the sun hit it at the right angle. The settings below worked for me on the Floor.mat:
Ambient 0.8
Diffuse 0.7
Specular 0.1 ////////////////////////default was 4, 0.1 is less reflective
SpecularPow 16
Shine 0.0
Fly_zo posted a very clever method recently of adding a glass overlay to instruments. I was hoping to find a way of matting down all other surfaces, but give the glass a much higher specularity. It would give a really good effect if it can be done...
Ambient 0.8
Diffuse 0.7
Specular 0.1 ////////////////////////default was 4, 0.1 is less reflective
SpecularPow 16
Shine 0.0
Fly_zo posted a very clever method recently of adding a glass overlay to instruments. I was hoping to find a way of matting down all other surfaces, but give the glass a much higher specularity. It would give a really good effect if it can be done...