Normandy map/Mosquito problems

This is driving me nuts! I have no idea whatt's going on.Have tried everything , but figure one of you brighter guys knows the score.Ever since getting into mods I've had small map problems usually dealling with missing a All.ini line or two ...this could be the same...Anyway many of my old Mosquito Missions & one of the new ones refuse to load sighting Normandy Map even gets me a CTD! The map I get see below is obviously one of the new ones( not the old one where England was merely an island off the coast) so I assume it came with one of the mod downloads, but I can't figure out which & if it is in my Maps folder what line of type do I need to get it to work? I've reinstalled the entire game once & can only figure I brought the error along when I copied in much of the Mods folder....HELP!
[Image: 1611200815-10-10.jpg]
[Image: 1611200815-10-03.jpg]
Another mission that won't work
[Image: 1611200815-10-21.jpg]
Here's the same map from a Pfeil mission ...but its the old map & it still works
[Image: 1611200815-11-30.jpg]
This problem may be in other missions over Normandy ...I don't know , but I sure would like to solve it if possible!
Thanks Dietz

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