Where's Net3Summer & Net7Islands?

Hope I posted in the right thread. If not please move it.

I cannot load Net3Summer or Net7Islands into the mod version of the game. They load fine after switching to an unmodded version.

I checked my mapmods folder and have a folder for both Net3Summer and Net7Islands with load.ini files. I have the following entries in my all.ini file inside the mapmods folder:

Net3Summer Net3Summer/load.ini
Net7Islands Net7Islands/load.ini

Now I compared the load.ini files and although there are some missing entries in the Net3Summer file both Net6Islands (which loads fine) and Net7Islands .ini files are exactly the same. So are the contents of their respective folders. All three contain just an load.ini file, no static actors/.tga's etc.

I do have several other mod maps installed including vp medias retextured maps. Could it be that one of the maps I installed do something to Net3Summer & Net7Islands? I know that HB's "Extended Pacific Islands" map overwrites Net8Islands and followed the instructions for having both maps available, which they are. None of the other installed maps instructions or ReadMe's indicated that default maps would be overwritten or changed (other than vp medias re-texturing of course).

Is there a way to "re-install" these maps?

Any help/suggestions appreciated as I would like to continue using them. Net3Summer is an excellent dogfight map.

Thanks in advance.

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