Modelling of cockpits?

Hi again.
This might be totally out of question, morally and without ethics, but have to ask anyways.
- Can other sim-cockpits be used in il-2 (just slightly modified)?
Have seen some nice cockpits in CFS 3 on youtube and for what I know, these planes are personylized MOD's like those on this site.
I was wondering, if the author(s) or creator(s) of these CFS 3 MOD's would or could have anything against us lending or borrowing their design/work?
It is not like they have Copyright on it anyways, they use and modify a game already under copyright protection and thus their MOD'ing is in fact (as far as I know) illegal (or perhaps just ethically wrong).
We of course wouldn't use their work, without permission, but we (this could be I) would try to pin down who made the planes and cockpit MOD's and politely ask wether it would be ok to use them in il-2.


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