ShipPack2-Bug report and discussion

ShipPack2 installs a stationary.ini file and a technics.ini file.
Static_AC also installs these files but in a different location.

The ShipPack2 files are in root/MODS/STD/com/maddox/il2/objects

The Static_AC files are in root/MODS/Static_Aircraft/com/maddox/il2/objects

Also have you got a root/files folder -- if so check there for duplicates.

You need to create a merged version of each of these files.
Use the Winmerge or Swiftcompare utilities you can find in Google.

Remove the existing double copies of the files and put back only your merged files into root/MODS/STD/com/maddox/il2/objects

Keep a backup of your working installation

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