Skins in campaigns from Enjoyr

hi all,

Firstly many thanks for a lively modding community. I worked on WW2f sound mods a few years ago so know how hardworking and inventive you are!!!

A little help, please - I have installed the Enjoyr campaigns pack and four skin packs to go with them but how do i know if the appropriate skin is being used by IL2? E.g. in the RAF and German "Africa" campaigns, the player flight aircraft are in western europe camo not desert camo. Have I just got the wrong skin packs or the right ones but they haven't installed properly. All installed on 1946 (no add-ons) with 4.08m

I guess I am asking how to identify the aircraft & skins that the campaign wants to load, then i can check that I have those skins in the aircraft folder

Also, if I do install an Africa camo skin, will that show up in a campaign in europe i.e. will I overwrite the current skin? Or are they unique. Looks like they can be made unique with the folder name

Finally as an aside, some of the campaigns in west europe come up with russian maps and objective names. Any ideas?

Many thanks in advance


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