09.12.2008, 23:02
I bought 2 Logitec force feedback controllers (early 2000's) and the 1st was replaced 3 times via the extended warrenty thru BB. The 2nd was no better. replaced it several times as well. This was in the 1st 30 to 60 days!!!! Crap FFB controllers. The FFB would fail but the stick would still function in games all axises and buttons. But when u pay for a feature u want it to work. After the in store service plan expired BB would not let me extend it, I don't blame them I went thru 9 of the damn things and when the service ran out I threw both away. I'll never again own anything from logitec! MS's FFB controller was the best but it's no longer produced. Since then I've used Saitek sticks and my current one is 5 years old and still rumblin' along. At the time I bought it saitek didn't make the FFB version. My next stick will be saitek with FFB if this one ever dies! LOL! Actually I'll probably go with the saitek yoke, rudder peddles and the panel controls. it all fit together making for a really awesome and affordable set up.