More texture slots in load.ini?

Hi guys,

I thought I'd ask this question here to see if a collective attempt can achieve something.

The ability to have extra textures in a map would be excellent, and I'm convinced that it must be possible.

I know it's possible to have 4 images on a texture and then by carefully placing textures you get four different small areas (like delvepier did with his airfield experiments)

The ideal situation would be the ability to add full 1024tga textures in additional slots which can be displayed at default texture compression (so auto-trees would be present)

Texture placement is governed by RGB values on map_t. There are 32 texture slots, to RGB 0 - 31 control those slots. Roads and rails are also governed by map_t, adding either 32, 64 or 128 to the RGB of the underlying texture. That means most RGB values are used up.

I can't think of a way to tell a map to display extra textures even if I could add them to the load.ini

Anyway, I'd appreciate any ideas/brainstorms/suggestions etc that might help us to make some progress with this



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