How to fly faster to catch other people? Please help!

>I have read about trimming the aircraft, what is the best way to trim it. For instance when I am flying level I trim it to fly level, but when I enter combat mode do I have to trim again or continue fighting with the trim that was set for level flying? <

"Pitch controls airspeed and power controls altitude". Every airplane has TWO speeds at which it will fly straight and level with a given power setting, excepting that power setting which produces the thrust required to overcome a minimum inflight drag situation, such as Best Glide Speed or Best Range Speed.

Stab trim "programs" the horizontal stab to provide sufficient tail down force to counteract the aircraft's natural nose down tendency, otherwise known as it's "negative pitch moment", at a given airspeed.

If you're trying to use the stab trim to "set" an altitude you'll spend all day chasing the correct stab trim setting and never find it. Instead, try using the stab trim to set the speed at which you can fly "hands off" at a given power setting. Then use teeny-tiny control inputs with the stick/yoke to maintain your altitude.

Bottom line, if you're fighting the airplane its probably because you're trimmed incorrectly.

There's no telling how many trim servo's and associated hardware that I've worn out over the years.

Hope that helped.



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