Town house variation

It's been my "experience", (not tested, quantified or anything remotely scientific), that many different objects = lower framerates. To wit;

*1 I make a forest with all the trees available, rotated to look as realistic as possilbe. Lowers framerate.
*2 I make the same size forest with only one type of tree, with rotations. Better framerate.
*3 I make the same forest as No.2 but do not rotate the objects. Maybe 1-2 FPS better than Forest 2...but boring to look at.

My thinking, (faulty though it may be), is the the CPU has to identify the object type, rotation and placement. That's a lot of work in Forest 1
In forest 2 it only has to identify one object and calculates rotation and position.
In forest 3 It only has to identify one object and placement.

So my "experience" would lead me to believe that fewer different objects would help keep framerates tolerable.

(I also have other 'crackpot' theories on such things as the origin of the human race but that's for another forum) :mrgreen:

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