Some stuff I wish we had...

I've thought about some stuff I thought would be cool for the game that I hope we will see one day. I apologize if I name anything that is already in the works/planning stages, or if I just recant something that has been said a billion times, lol. (That happens a LOT on forums) Wink


Bf109-D variants

Bf109-E1 (shouldn't be too difficult, as I think its nearly or exactly the same as an E4 but has only MGs firing incendiary rounds...)

Ooohh, even a Bf108 would be coolz! Wink


Dynamic and Static Campaigns for new AAA mod aircraft such as 190D13, 109K14... I know dynamics are randomly generated, but I've been wondering if there is a way to add these new aircraft to the selection for DC's, like with the DCG...


Keep the cool new weapon/ordnance options coming! I love em!


more cool maps too! Oh, and if I could play a dynamic campaign on Canon's BoB map, I would probably cry tears of joy! haha!

Ehh... I have more ideas but I'm kind of drawing a blank at the moment, lol. I'll add em in a new post. But this would make a lovely Christmas present! lol, I know, I know, this stuff takes time and hard work! Well, anyways, if you have any cool ideas that you would like to see one day, I'd like to hear it! Maybe it will never happen, but hey, we can dream can't we? Wink

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