Bullet holes & blood splatter on damaged cockpit from in

I'm not sure how it is done (and again, if this issue has been discussed to death I'm sorry...I looked and didn't see it), but I wonder if bits of blood splatter could be added to the inside of the cockpit glass along with the bullet holes? Even if the pilot didn't sustain serious injury from bullet or shrapnel, they might have nicked themselves & splattered some of the red stuff inside... I think that this could add to the feel of being "inside". Can it be done? I was thinking that some blood splatter could be added to the damaged cockpit "skins" (textures?). We already have cockpit skins that show wear & damage from use...why can't we add a little blood smear to the "stick" or gauges? Something that shows human activity in the cockpit after someone is cut. Their is a damaged cockpit skin, isn't it likely that a pilot would get scratched up a bit?

p.s. Nice work on the new bullet holes in the cockpit glass (unified installer)...I would thank them by name, but I couldn't find the original topic.

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