19.12.2008, 17:41
Boris The Spider Wrote:OK, now I'm confused. :? (nothing new here)
Does it go into a folder in MODS, (IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\mod\newsound\samples) or into IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\files\Samples?
okey, i shall try better whit my English then :wink:
if u have installed the English sound mod, then u should have a folder cal files in ur IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
there u find the samples map, and there u can put the files, BUT... if u dont have English sound mod, or just want to test new sounds whiteout to over write the old one, u can create a new folder in ur mod folder, like i describe before. or what AIRdomination say in the post before my one.
u understand now or did i make it more complicated? :wink:
"sorry if i almost repeted what AIRdomination says, but i was just one min after him to post min so i never saw hes post."