Lessons for CUJO and Mandrill

And any newcomer which might find them useful. It's not systematic but still can be helpful. It deals with operating various changes to maps, in this case Stalingrad map.


http://rapidshare.com/files/175689217/S ... PTOOLS.rar

It contains 3 folders
Stgrad: contains all files needed for Stalingrad map
Actortool: contains the tool for assembling and disassembling actor.static files. Actors.static files contain the objects which are placed on the map (houses, runways etc)
Actor_cutter is a utility used to split...but about this later
It contains a file mapbuilder.rtf showing containing the way to bring FMB into map mode.
All the applications in the rar file can be readilly downloaded in the maptools forum, I just put them here together casue it's a bit more handy to me like that..
For time being the task is to have a working map in FMB (and FMB map mode) separate from the original.
1. Create in il2root/mods/mapmods/maps/ a folder let's say CUJO_stalingrad
Open the stgrad folder in the archive and copy all the files from stgrad foder to


2. Create a folder il2root/maps/CUJO_stalingrad
Don't place any files into il2root/maps/CUJO_stalingrad.

3. Open with notepad map all.ini file which is probably located in


and add wherever you please the lines

CUJO_Stalingradsummer CUJO_stalingrad/sload.ini
CUJO_Stalingradwinter CUJO_stalingrad/load.ini

4.Start game open FMB and see if you can open the "new" maps CUJO_Stalingradsummer
and CUJO_Stalingradwinter

However the "new" maps are with default textures and if you want to use for example vpmedia texturing for stalingrad locate sload.ini and load.ini which came with vpmedia pack and replace the sload.ini and load.ini already present in il2root/maps/CUJO_stalingrad with vpmedia ones..Check again what happen in game..

Next task: we want to delete some objects from the map and also we want to add some industry texture north of the town. For that we need the actortool and actor_cutter also FMB operating in map mode.

1. Open mapbuilder.rtf and read it. Backup bldconf.ini present in il2root/
Open bldconf.ini with notepad and do the changes according to mapbuilder.rtf
2. Start game and try to open say Norway map. Does it work? Zoom in around some town and while holding "alt" and right mouse button draw a box around the village. You'll see the objects in the village get selected. If you hit "delete" the village is deleted. Open Object and scroll around to see what menu contains.
3. Exit game
4.Start game and try to open CUJO_Stalingradwinter. After a while you'll get an memory error and game will close. That is because FMB map mode can't handle maps which have number of objects over some limit. As the objects are stored in actors.static files FMB map mode can open maps with actors files up to maybe 700 KB, but Stalingrad has a larger file so you get the error.
So what we have do is to break the actors.static into two smaller parts such that using them the map will load in FMB map mode
That'll be lesson no. 2..

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