Need a step by step help to Create a ne Map please !

P/O W. 'Moggy' Cattermole Wrote:
fly_zo Wrote:yup, map modding contain no java codding so it is and always have been free to discuss ... so P/O W. 'Moggy' Cattermole do check your data before getting involved :wink:

hehe, i was giving the information that I was led to believe on this site. Not that i looked that hard -- can't mod for toffee, but from posts that i've read, that was the impression i was given. Big Grin

i have impression that you didn't look at all ,m8 :wink:

but i'm sure that you will make an effort for the future and actually read something before giving any advice to others .... reading all forum stickies would be a nice start . No knowledge required , just reading :wink:


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