[Download] B-17 "Chuckie"

Hi, as far as i see you used a template (nnavirex) to make this skin. So it should be easy for you to place the rivet/lines/weathering/dirt layers on top of all the markings and paint layers, where they are supposed and used to be! This skin would look much better if the lines/rivets/weathering/dirt would be visible in the markings and all paint.
Regarding the uneven serial numbers there are a lot of fonts available at simmerspaintshop, amongst them the US stencil fonts. I therefore suggest downloading them and using them for making the serial of this skin.
I personally would reduce the brightness of the yellow paint (opacity, contrast, chroma i. e.) , looks to much 'aggressive' to me (compare with your photos!), but this is a matter of taste.
I wonder why this bird didn't have the OD paint (anti-glare) on the inner sides of the engines, but refering to your readme-file it wasn't used for war duties.
The 1945 unit markings (yellow/red wing stripes) are appearing in a very uneven shape. This seems very unusual. I saw a lot of 486th BG skins before, all of these had them painted on in a geometrically even shape.

Hope this helps
Best wishes

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