Expert assistance needed with Winmerge and static ini....

Hey Man... NP
I just posted this morning having coffee...

The Missing objects that appeared in your FMB with my Satic.ini I posted,
are the objects that are missing and prevent people from saveing missions on the Thailand map.

That's why when you put my Static in your game they then appeared.
You should now be able to save a misison on the Thailand map now!

Ok,I get what your doing with WinMerge
It is a slow painful proccess going through the Static,your Retina's will hate you for it... 8)

I have Shipack 2 as well,I bet our Static.ini's are close as I'm an Object'Aholic and
Map'AHolic.yes it's all clear now what your doing and the problem,I just needed a little more info.

Make a list of all the "Objects" you have added to the FMB.
Post this list,and I will go through my List.If there the same ,I will email my Static.ini to you.
I could even add some objects to mine ,if you have more than I.... 8)

My Static.ini I posted is just the info from the downloads of>
"Cannons map and objects download,FabianFred's objects download from the map installer"and "
Lal_LaRones Hanger objects one and two ReadMe" nothing else!
Carefully added together.

I have added to that static.ini since posting it.


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