Tougher Bridges (MKIII)

Finally! 8)

I agree. Girder bridges were very hard to take down in real life (much like radar towers). Even a direct hit with a large bomb may just blow off panels without destroying the main supports. This may leave a large hole in it, but it is also a hole easily rebuilt. To demolish a bridge in such a way that it couldn't be repaired is not a guaranteed thing.

One of the problems with the way bridges are modelled in Il-2, is that they are armoured but with essentially no hitpoints. This mod is excellent, but it has the quirk that a single 1000kg bomb is essentially guaranteed to pull down a bridge, whereas more than twenty 100kg bombs have no effect whatsoever.

This means there is not point attacking a non-wooden bridge with anything less than a 250kg bomb (even if you hit the bridge with more than 80% of the bombload of a TB-3 or He-111).

P.S. if you get a chance - the trains should be much more durable as well - even if they could be lit n fire or have the cargo destroyed, the actually load carrying members tended to be virtually immune to anything smaller than a 20mm cannon.

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