Noob looking for help:(

ottoramsaig Wrote:New member to the Forum currently in Iraq but headed home to a new copy of 1946. I have played stock IL2 for about 3 - 4 years. Got interested in IL2 1946 from watching U Tube vids. Q. is there a super MOD for 1946? Q. I seen a vid on a MOD that showed some excellent blood splatter and oil spray on the canopy of an Me 109 type.
I could really use any assistance with the MODs so please contact me. Big Grin

First and foremost I would personally like to thank you for your service to the U.S.of A. you guys don't get enough recognition in my opinion, and that goes for the guys on the front-lines to the poor bastard that has to clean the head.

Secondly, I will vouch for the above promotion on the Unified Installer MOD.

Thirdly, you better watch your 6 O' Clock online because I'm a persistent S.O.B.


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