(help plz) Gimp Technique: Rivers to Sea-Level on Map_H

I do it in Photoshop because I think it's better than Gimp for brushes size and others... but you can apply the principle with Gimp.

1/ make one copy of your map_c resized divided by 4, same as map_h

2/ open this copy and map_h, add a new blank layer to copy of map_c, copy map_h and paste on this new layer so you have map_c as background and map_h as foreground

3/ play with opacity of map_h layer so you can see rivers painted on background layer

4/ choose a brush (not stencil !) with a size a little bigger than river width, color black and paint over river as guide... try to keep center of brush right over river, it is important as you take a brush and not a stencil

5/ once finished, duplicate map_h layer and save as a new map_h.tga... and look result in game :wink:

All I said is working in Photoshop... in fact I think in Gimp you have to paste map_c copy as a layer over map_h (PSP paint on foreground layer when Gimp paint on background layer...)

When choosing brush size try to be realistic... enough to cover river width but small enough to keep real landscape :roll:

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