QMBPlus mission creators prefix list?


Was wondering if there's enough interest to generate a "QMBPlus mission creator's prefix list" such as exists for map creators (Link (The link is inoperative)). The purpose would be for QMBPlus mission creators to uniquely identify their QMBPlus missions when offering them to the AAA public.

Having missions and conf.ini entries created with those unique prefixes would alleviate some issues being found with different mission creators using the same file names and conf.ini entries for the same maps, even though the missions themselves are quite different and occasionally conflict.

The standard for QMBPlus mission packs would go something like this:

Let's say I created a set of QMBPlus missions for the Lybia map. If I named all my missions "Lybia00.mis" and instructed users to add "Customxx=Lybia" to their conf.ini, my set would directly conflict with a set made and released by EasyRider. If a player installed my missions, he would lose all of EasyRider's... not good.

If I instead had my missions named "sm_Lybia00.mis" and instructed users to add "Customxx=sm_Lybia" to their conf.ini, there would be no conflict or over-writing of existing files.

The purpose of a prefix list is so that new mission creators would not select a prefix of their own that was already in use by someone else.


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