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[MOD] AI Mod V.17 *UPDATE*

Tested yesterday on mission with 12xP-39 and 6xP-40 vs 16xKi43 and 12xBettys.

The P-40Confused mission is to shoot Betty's down, before AI-mod they always went high and dived down on the bombers but now they follow at the same level behind the bombers and get shot down and their all at Veteran level?

P-39Confused do quite good now against Ki43Confused, now 4 to 8 get back after the mission and they try to get more air under them, before they usually just dived close to the ground before this mod.
With no AI-mod the cobras where usually all shot down but not anymore :wink:

I did run the mission several times and noticed that the wingmen proctect better their lead now.
No collisions but aircraft seem to get pretty close to each other in battle.
And now there was no 8 ki43Confused hunting one cobra then before, they seem to hunt more seperate targets then before.

Nice mod and i also use the Carrier take off mod and haven't seen any problems yet with it.
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