Trouble with trees

PS one way of finding out is to create a blank map with map_h a constant level over the entire map (e.g. RGB = 1) and map_t divided into equal areas of Lowland, Midland and Highland texture bands running East to West (e.g. 1/3 of the map each). Then, on map_c overlay this with a RGB spectrum from 0 - 255 also running East to West. Open this map in FMB and you should see autogen trees stop suddently somewhere as you scroll from East to West along the map in each of the texture bands.

PPS I think that the autogen trees only appear on some types of texture tiles i.e. Lowland, Midland and Highland. I don't think autogen trees will appear on the City, Airfield, Mount or Water tiles. You could test this theory using a similar method to that explained above.

PPPS I had planned on updating the map making guide, but unfortunately work / gf / friends etc have got in the way. I need to take a holiday and just concentrate on IL2!!!

PPPS If you runt he tests above could you please post the results here and in the community map making guide thread?

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