New Objects

I checked one model. Only generic house looking thing I could find (fr_factory_002_h). It has 6 LODs. 317/287/238/82/34/20 polys.

A goal would be something close to 100/50/20/2, so you would need to create a simple 2 poly plane as final LOD and use 82/34/20. Number of LODs doesn't have to be 4, so you could still use the most detailed mesh as first LOD as long as the drawing distance of this it adjusted to very close. This way you woudn't see the most detailed mesh ever when flying over cities, but if you would zoom very close (taking a screenshot for example) then you could see the most detailed mesh. Textures are also twice as big as the standard objects have in game. So I would recommend using the 512x512 only for the most detailed LOD and creating a new 64x64 for the two least detailed.

Collision meshes seems to be a probmatic also. This particular house had only collision mesh for small part of the roof. I don't understand why. Also the sim file's collision mesh name and the col mesh name in model doesn't match so it wont work. If the name would be fixed, then the house might be destroyed with direct hit to the roof, but hit to the side woudn't do anything.

So you probably would need to check collision meshes and fix them if needed. These are simple to do. There is only one rule with collision meshes. They must be true bounding boxes. Mesh shaped like letter "L" is invalid collision box. You need to be able to draw imaginary line from any point x to any point y inside the box, so that the line doesn't go outside of the box. So L shaped box would be wrong and it would register hits wrong way.

I also tested one bridge in game and noticed that they appear only when you fly quite close. I presume that this is the problem with all objects, since TOW doesn't need to render objects from several kilometers away. So the LOD distance values in msh files needs to be edited.

So it would be quite big work to make all the objects work nicely. At least all the generic houses that exist in bigger numbers should be fixed. I noticed that guy named CUJO_1970 had some troubles with these objects.

"I do have big framerate loss over the big cities that I've densely populated. But my computer is old...Pentium IV 2.5 gig single core, 2 gig RAM and old Raydeon 9800 Pro."

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