08.02.2009, 12:35
Mountains: Map is to small, i'm afraid, hight mountains with deep vallys would look unorganic and artificial. Enough place woult be only at the western and eastern outskirts of the map, but there they would have no meaning. Possible woud be of course a fun map with labyrintic structures like this:
Tree crash: I had this once when in tried a nearly black tree.tga to generate as much trees as possible (actuall tree.tgas are far away from that). Could you try if this happens every time when you fly very low over the jungle and look at the trees to the left or right (So you see a lot of trees)? May be it's a graphic board overload, but i don't know the limits. Do you use a board with 256 MB or less? May be IL46 needs the strongest rigs available :-)
Wooden plate: It's part of the hangar mod2, also it's installed separatly. In the UI1.1. a lot of objects are not referenced (wooden plate objects only missed in the static.ini). Map will start also under UI1.1, but missions are only saveble if all hanger mod2 objects are installed properly.
Tree crash: I had this once when in tried a nearly black tree.tga to generate as much trees as possible (actuall tree.tgas are far away from that). Could you try if this happens every time when you fly very low over the jungle and look at the trees to the left or right (So you see a lot of trees)? May be it's a graphic board overload, but i don't know the limits. Do you use a board with 256 MB or less? May be IL46 needs the strongest rigs available :-)
Wooden plate: It's part of the hangar mod2, also it's installed separatly. In the UI1.1. a lot of objects are not referenced (wooden plate objects only missed in the static.ini). Map will start also under UI1.1, but missions are only saveble if all hanger mod2 objects are installed properly.