23.02.2009, 17:59
your graphics card is causing these bugs, u seem to have posted quite a few and all has led me to your grphics card. READ EVERYONE: You "quote" CANNOT change your graphics card and visual seetings online, this is what i have found out from a test. THIS IS The cause. In order to fix you have to go to the version switcher, change game types, startup the game, pick the "crimea" map in QMB, pick a random aircraft NOT a modded one, go to graphics settings and change them to the lowest u can get. Exit IL-2 go to desktop right-click and refresh, reopen the game pick the "Okinawa" map in QMB and while flying go to the video/graphics settings agian change them to the highest u can get then exit the mission and go to QMB fly the map "Crimea" and hit fly. Once in flight change any settings u need to fit you
QMB = (Quick Mission Builder)[/quote]
QMB = (Quick Mission Builder)[/quote]