How do you place aircraft on carriers in FMB?

Excellent FMB tutorial site: [/url][url]

To your specific question. You want a flight of planes to takeoff from a carrier deck:

1. place the flight somewhere close to (but not on) the carrier
2. set the flight's first waypoint to "takeoff"
3. press the set button on the bottom of the waypoint dialog
4. put the mouse cursor on the carrier - it should have changed to a crosshair shape
5. click on the carrier, this "attaches" that flight's takeover waypoint to the carrier
6. you're done

You can only put a limited number of flight on a carrier - about 4 flights (depending on the type). Anymore and the additional flights will airstart above the carrier.

Before you ask, you cannot place static aircraft (or any other static objects) on the carrier.


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