Dyn. Campaign Debriefing Buttons Dissapeared?

I have vista 64; amd quad;6 g memory ;2 disk drivers (IL-2 only works on 2nd disk drive ?); x52;hd 4850 ati. I have IL-2 1946; 4.08, 4.09 ;and UI 1.1 . Ran Il-2 for 2 years on 4.09 and was ok ! This all started after a while on UI 1.1 .
My buttons ,scrool bar , and read me file on right side do the following ! for a few (new) missions they are ok,then they start to flutter for a few missions, then they are flashing on and off, then they flash no more are just gone !! Does this for dgen and ngen .
When I change conf and save the changes it works for one mission and goes back to the orig setting. When setting up a mission I can only setup perfect in custom and when I fly a mission all sky and ground are bleck so I have to go to excellent.
I have delete all on IL-2 using an unisteller and then reformated my disk drive. Then installed IL-2, 4.08,4.09,UI 1.1 and same thing as above happens.

Thanks to all;


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