New smoke Fx! (updated v.3)

Did a bit of testing and noticed that the BlackMediumTSPD.eff is the reason you don't get flames/smoke past 95% power with jet engines.

In your MODS/Fx_Goblin_fire_3/3do/Effects/Aircraft/BlackmediumTSPD.eff change

ClassName TParticlesSystemParams
MatName ../TEXTURES/DamageSmoke.mat


ClassName TSmokeTrailParams
MatName ../TEXTURES/TrailTile1.mat

and there you go! If the color of the trail is bothering, you can change it by altering the Color0 (and Color1 ? Don't know the difference) values to for example: 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 (R, G, B, Alpha)

My BlackMediumTSPD.eff looks like this:

ClassName TSmokeTrailParams
MatName ../TEXTURES/TrailTile1.mat
Color0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Color1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5
nParticles 256
FinishTime -1.0
// MaxR 0
// PhiN 0.0
// PsiN 0.0
LiveTime 12
TranspTransitionTime 4.0f
// EmitVelocity 0.0 0.0
// EmitFrq 7.0
// EmitFrq 2.0

SegmentLen 30 //75
MaxObjectVelocity 150

Wind 0.1
Size 0.0 8.5
GasResist 0.065
VertAccel 0.0
Rnd 0.25
// EmitTheta 0.0 0.0

The 'LiveTime [value]' determines the length of the trail (in this particular file) and as people have reaguested for longer smoketrails, it is possible to make the smokes longer by increasing this value in the different .eff files.

Hope this was helpful Smile

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