Has anyone used Fabian Fred's river and canal plates?

CzechTexan Wrote:Wouldn't the ocean change to brown too if you changed rivers to brown?
FF's brown river on uneven ground looks OK from the air but if you plan on being close to the ground then you will be able to see under the river where the elevation changes. It just depends on how and where you want to use it.

Sounds like you would need to work a little with the map_h in river valleys. Have you tried using the plates?

Sorry, I thought you were talking about just altering the colour of FF's plates. I didn't realize you were referring to the in-game rivers.

I think they can be made brown. The game itself makes them brown at certain greyscale values which it interprets as being "shallow". You would have to make sure you use this value on map_t and map_c and not the value for "deeper" rivers.

I am river-obsessed because my Central Russia map is basically rivers with no coastline. The rivers are brown and not that deep or large and there are a lot of them!

If someone has tried doing what I suggest, please post.

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