14.03.2009, 18:23
Actually alot of times the skinners put readme docs or post on their website that use is allowed as long as you do not modify the skins and give them credit. If you have a question for any in particular, you can normally find email info or send them a PM on different forums.
By no means am I a serious skinner as I have never done one publically, but then again if I use someones template, I always leave their watermark or ID on the final products. Just have to ask and most do not have an issue, as they created the skin and put it out there for public use. Just ensure to give them the credit for their work.
By no means am I a serious skinner as I have never done one publically, but then again if I use someones template, I always leave their watermark or ID on the final products. Just have to ask and most do not have an issue, as they created the skin and put it out there for public use. Just ensure to give them the credit for their work.