Fw-190 Torpedo Plane

Thank you, aviatorsneah, for your helpful suggestions.

I found some more information on this site:

http://forum.12oclockhigh.net/archive/i ... -1173.html. I hope I am not violating AAA protocol by posting the link.

It seems that the use of the Fw-190 as a torpedo plane was one of those late-war stop gap measures that never fully took off (no pun intended).

Before I read the infor at the link posted above, I had already made a few mission based on the Norway map, including Fw-190 A5/U14 attacking Allied shipping off the coast of Norway, largely because I like the map and it seemed to fit the use of this particular aircraft. Another option would have been the Baltic.

Perhaps I will get more specific info on the use of the Fw-190 in that role. If not, I could still make a fictional, "what if" campaign set in the last weeks or months of WWII.

Nonetheless, I would appreciate further info on the subject. I do not have an extensive research library on WW II aircraft, but perhaps those who do, could direct me to relevant sources, other than those already mentioned by you.

Thanks again,


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