What remaining maps need to be made?

For what it's worth I totally agree with Reflected that a more complete and coherent map of the Lake Balaton region is warranted. I always had a problem with the area the FB gang chose to build, feeling that it left out some very pertinent terrain and operationally important areas. The terrain created is very obviously budding spring or summer, and the key battles around Balaton in 1944 were in fact from March on, and characterized by mud, soggy fields bogging down AFVs that left the road, and precipitation often changing a couple times in a given day between snow, sleet and rain. The initial German movement in 1944 was to capture the stepping off point for "Operation Spring Awakening", and major battles were initially fought in the Gran river bridgehead, east of the FB map. Including Budapest would be super as well. The green outline in Reflected's graphic seems a good starting point.

Hear, Hear


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