[MOD] Ship Pack 2 Download

alright, got it working.

originally before the shippack2, all i had was:

-fresh intall of '46.
-patched to v4.08
-unified intaller package 1.1

i wanted it for the hellhawks campaigns. once you understand how it all works, its pretty easy to do. collectively, in regards to the .ini copy and pasting, you just have to move the entire .ini files across to the game root of the ones that are not there to begin with. the ones that were there from the beginning, you do the "addtoini" business. the key is to make sure that the file is finished with "eof", and make sure you don't have two sets of .ini locations. in my case, i made sure that they were all under MODS/Std/Com/Maddox/il2/objects. keep them neat and all together. then you obviously move the properties file accross to the MODS/Std/i18g folder.

after that it was a simple matter of moving the main files across (missions, samples, paintschemes) which merged easy enough into the original locations.

most people here would probably say "well, duh", but it went through alot of shit to figure this out.

i hope this helps anyone in trouble with this.

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