AI Mistals not usable?

Hi all:

Not sure if this the right place but here goes anyway...

Just made a goofy mission involving a couple of FW-190/Ju-88 Mistals. I'm in one flying along trying to ram the other one under some Me 323s flying overhead. Told you it was a goofy mission.

Anyway, the AI Mistal climbs vertical, stalls, goes into a flat spin (missing all the 323s somehow!), and crashes.

The map is Online 2, there are only two waypoints for each of the four flights of 323s, two waypoints for the 190s, two for the 88s, and the first waypoint for each 190 is targetted on the first waypoint for the 88. All the flight paths are parallel. The flight paths for the 190s and 88s are on top of each other, the first waypoints are very close together, and all eight waypoints use the same speed and altitude.

Am I doing something wrong here?

Great days all.

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