CERT AI MOD V.30 (03/27/09)

Run some test missions and give Certificate some good information that will help to develop the AI.

This is the first time in 9 years anyone has made any improvements in the AI, and do we ever need them for decent Offline play.

I gave up on this sim for building missions years ago, because the AI was so friggin lousy. Also, the FMB was so darned tedious to work with as well. Now, we do have some new mission builder tools that make for some time savings.

With all the releases of mod changes in flight models and aircraft... the ONLINE game could be toast in a couple more months. The Offline game maybe the only decent game left, and without good AI it will not be good for offline play.

Certificate came along at just the right time to re-stimulate a huge amount of new interest. You can only get so much out of eye candy graphic MODS.

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