WWII planes color photos - good quality

It is possible to find some good quality color photos of WWII planes searching
through Google Images. You have to use keywords as "WWII airplanes source:life" or
"Raf source:life", and so on: the pictures you get in this way come from LIFE magazine.
What is disturbing is that result is not the same with different words (fighters, bombers, world war II,etc) so it's necessary to make many to have more different pics.
Here under some pictures I downloaded, hope you like!

[Image: JU52tunisia.jpg]

[Image: palau44c.jpg]

[Image: BoeingsAnzacClipper-1.jpg]

[Image: raf41.jpg]

[Image: PB2Y-2.jpg]

[Image: channel43.jpg]

[Image: entrpr41b.jpg]

[Image: eu43.jpg]

[Image: france43.jpg]

[Image: germ40.jpg]

[Image: normand44.jpg]

[Image: palau44b.jpg]

[Image: polishplane1939.jpg]

[Image: uk41.jpg]

[Image: 42indt.jpg]

[Image: 44.jpg]

[Image: aleutian44.jpg]

[Image: aleutian44b.jpg]

[Image: b24.jpg]

[Image: belgium44.jpg]

[Image: MartinPBM-1.jpg]

[Image: palau44.jpg]

[Image: GrummanF4FWildcat.jpg]

[Image: KresnaPassBulgaria41detail.jpg]

[Image: italy1938b.jpg]


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