07.04.2009, 13:00
Mission_bug Wrote:I love this mod, I can feel a sort of what if campaign coming on, or at least a rather loose version of historical fact. :wink:Great, I'm looking forward to your new campaigns
jopped Wrote:Have it done...It may be a conflict with some other mod... Try renaming the "Forgotten_Countries" folder into "1Forgotten_Countries" so that the wrapper reads it in priority.
Also, I installed v1.02, and that fixed the spitfires. Still, South Korea and some other country's show no markings, just white patches, on all aircraft.
Martin98 Wrote:What is the difference between the version for the UI 1,1 and the version without ui1.1?The version for the UI is made to be compatible with the new flyable planes added by the UI